Monday, November 23, 2009

O Praise the Lord, Give thanks unto His' NAME

God is good all the time--there was no rest yesterday--but the testimonies of gratefulness of the redeemed was awesome, the youth group from Crane First Baptist were truly role models, Brooke's testimony and the need to forgive others as Christ has forgiven us. THAT WILL PREACH.
3 churches coming together to share in a Thanksgiving Dinner last night is always a blessing and I believe we blessed God with obedience, unity, and love.
Pray for those in the altar last night, for their burdens, and their grief, thank you, Lord for "The Baker Family" with special prayer for Janis Rife.

Friday, November 20, 2009

I am thankful for:

our home, which I think of as family. Home is not a house, even though we live in a house with a roof, a heat source for winter, a cooling source for summer--but home is more than that. Home is a place of security, a place of warmth of love---care, compassion, a heart beat of concern for one another.
In our home, we have our 86 year old wheel chair bound mother. Who needs more care every month. However, she can normally rise and get out of her bed and into the wheel chair. Mom is so grateful. She always says, "good morning" it looks nice outside, the sun is shining, those flowers are beautiful. Only occassionally will she say, 'it's been a long day, or I don't feel good." Extremely positive person--

I am thankful for my mother. She was 86 this week on Monday.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday but Sunday is coming

As I quietly reflect upon my past, present and future with gratefulness to God Almighty. November is always a reminder to intention think of God's faithfulness. When the Lord is first, the simple as well as the profound becomes clearer with our focus upon the Lord. Eye/heart focus focus, then whatever else just fades into insignificance. I'm so blessed, first with parents, grandparents who loved, for my dear wife, who is truly a friend. She has been so instrumental in the raising of the boys, with a Godly influence in our home. Thank you, Lord for saving me, for bringing my wife into my life.

"Remember His' marvelous works that he hath done; His' wonders, and the judgement of His' mouth" Psalm 105:5

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday--a morning with pastors

Every Wednesday morning, we Crane pastors meet, pray, laugh, cry, but we seek the face of the Heavenly Father. He is everything, only He can give the guidance, hug, pat on the back, or a slap of discipline needed of course in love.

The heart of this community of pastors is to see souls saved, souls drawn closer to the Lord, lives restored, God is exhalted.

Praise God for new mercies every day. Thankful for laughter, for tears, for burdens lifted at calvary. Praise the Lord.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The Lord is so patient with me, with us. Hebrews 13:5 says, "The Lord will never ever leave us, nor will He forsake us or me"
Many times relationships are severed, young people grow up in a class--go to the same school--all 13 years. They are close, they are bonded as a group---graduate and never see one another. The Lord never leaves a believer behind, I'm always a prayer away. God speaks to me, in a song, in a happening of remembrance, but most of all in the affirmation of the Word of God. As Hebrews says, NEVER will He Leave me.

Thank you Lord, today for your faithfulness, your loyality, your stick to it ness to us who acknowledge our sin with trust in Him.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mission Week in Crane Park

As the Great Commission says, we are to go into the fields, beginning at home. This week we are at home in the Crane Park sharing JESUS.
The Gospel Music will reign out through Crane Creek Valley, and in competition with those carnival workers, some Country, rock, or Blue grass down the holler.
But as the good people of Morning Star Baptist pass out cold drinks, as the musicians come from far and near to bless the Lord. However, our main prayer is that souls be drawn to the Lord and saved, and those saved would have the joy of their day of salvation restored.

Pray for this pastor, for our sound man, for each singer, and each family member of Morning Star Baptist Church this week.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Scripture for today!

Proverbs 27:12
"The sensible see danger, and take cover; the foolish keep going and are punished"

Sensible, to be wise, to think Godly, to trust on Him, and not on my own understanding or logic. Take cover in the refuge of the Lord. To wisely advise family and friends that this is not all there is, praise the Lord. Do I see danger, do I see the handwriting on the wall---yes I do. But I also serve a Lord that knows all, and He said, He would take care of me. Does that just mean I set in my recliner and He drops from heaven into my lap. No. But according to the strength He has blessed me and the wisdom that is within from Him--move on in Him

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Grieving is such a complex adventure. Memories, schedules, birthdays, holidays, pictures, family and people. Sometimes a thought a memory comes out of the clear blue, and then sometimes it is when you run into a mutual acquaintance. We have been close to several deaths of late. (3 were young adults, 35, 29 and 24--all married and 2 had children). Then we as a church are involved into 2 family services this week, plus some others in the community.

But grief is not always a death of a individual, could be a death of a relationship, a pet, a home.

Sometimes the memories come unexpectantly. And it catches us off guard.

But you all know, but let me remind me, that God is always, hear me Always there to comfort.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A day of rest

And on the 7th day He (God) rested. I believe rest is a vital component of our schedule, but many times we do not rest sufficiently.

Pray that I'm found resting and truly preparing to lead out in Worship--Sunday.

Friday, July 24, 2009

VBS Family Evening

was last evening. The VBS totals were down a little, but we did have a wonderful experience of cho choing the Boomberang Express from Worship to Bible Study, to MISSIONS, to Crafts, to Music, to back to worship. I should of said we started off with a kids meal every night. (ranging from mac cheese and chicken nuggets, to corn dogs and tater tots, to Pizza, to Ham and cheese subs) We received over 175 dollars for mission kits to be sent to our military.

Thanks to so many, but it was wonderful. We did have 3 who were asking lots of questions, but so far no public commitment.

I don't have no intent to name everyone: but to the Director--Andrea; to my beautiful, wonderful, loyal, friend, and wife--Barbara. She coordinated the Kitchen and all the crafts with a lot of helpers. Thanks Barb.
To Betty--for a superb job of teaching missions, with her helper, and last but NOT least Daryl on the Music.
To our Media Personell, to the parents/grandparents and friends who brought their special gifts of God--their children and entrusted them to us for 3 hours every evening. Praise the Lord for the safety of this week.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vacation Bible School 2009

It is good, but God is good, all the time, and all the time - God is good.

God has provided so much to Morning Star. Gifts of children, Gifts of children parents, Gifts of resources, Gift of love, peace, mercy, and His Grace.

We have increased in attendance every night even on Wednesday night or last night. With over 50 children in attendance.

2 young people last night wanted to know more about Jesus last night, pray for them.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vacation Bible School at Morning Star

It is so neat, to see boys and girls excited about Jesus, learning more about Him, and explaining to their class friends what they know about Jesus. Oh, what we can learn about Jesus.
I was reading the blog today of Pastor John Marshall, and his little 4 year old grandchild was sharing with his 2 year old cousin, that Jesus died on Friday for you/us and he rose up on Sunday for you/us, and then he started singing, "our God is an awesome God". WOW

Last night in VBS--we learned of Jesus showing love by caring for the needs of others--washing the feet of his disciples. And this one, spoke up about having cow poop washed off of his feet as he wore some flip flops into the barn lot.

Today, love someone by caring for a special need in their life.

Pray for Jeanne Allen-Holden in the death of her husband Ken, yesterday; for the Sharp family as they bury their 35 year old daughter today, for the Russell/Parker family as they bury their 29 year old daughter tomorrow. Cancer---what a disease.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SBC 2009 History

Challenge by God has been shouted out to all who has ears, let them listen and respond.
Prause the Lord, for God's message through Dr. John Marshall, Johnny Hunt, David Platt, Ed Statzer, Avery Reid--they were all to the point and in your face, but with a Godly Spirit of Agape Love.

Thanks Men

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Yes it is hot, but comparrison to HELL it is winter here.

Think about that!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day--2009

Received several gifts, pictures of grandchildren, lawn chairs, shirts, tartan ties and scarfs from Scotland, gift cards, DVDs of my favorite (Ernie Haase and Signature Sound) and sure something I forgot. Consider it my age, and not ingratitude. I love you all. Thanks for all the notes, cards, and the wonderful thoughts of kindness with greetings. Study God's Word today, with a true passion for souls--live today as it is your last.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Money can't even begin

Just think with me.

What you have that a $ or a million can't buy.

Your happy, healthy marriage

the children, gifts of God, priceless

the health, the peace, the blessed assurance of Jesus.

the promise of eternity in heaven, as born again believers.

Praise the Lord.

Pray for Jack Russell (Cancer)

Glen Dale Hood (St. Louis hospital)

Ilene Harmon

Thursday, May 7, 2009


President Lincoln, President Truman, President Regan and the President Bush's have be strong advocates of the National Day of Prayer.

President George Washington, a large man, spent much time on his knees in prayer for America and seeking the divine guidance of the Creator.

I was with the Chamber of Commerce and the Ministerial Fellowship for prayer this AM at 7.

I at 10 AM was on the Stone County Courthouse lawn praying.

I've been home praying this afternoon.

I'm fixing to leave to go to a Community Prayer meeting for our nation at 6:30 at the Crane Assembly of God.

Pray and pray some more.

Before we pray we need to be in God's Word, knowing the will of God, how to pray.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The sun is shining.

After several days of God blessing us with rain, He is now blessing us with His' Sun, or the Son of God Jesus, is always with us/me. Aren't we a blessed people?
In the beginning God created, In the beginning was the Word,
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and praise the Lord, He is Life.

Pray today for Jack and Christine Russell
Mike Rice
my nephew, Sean Stewart,

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rain, sunshine, God is good and He knows

Praise the Lord, He knows, for man leans on his understanding, and not the wisdom of God unfortunately to often.

My calendar for May is more crowded this year, than a Christmas calendar. Commencements, Baccalaureates, funerals, hospital situations, Mother's Day, Senior Citizen Community/Church fellowship, several meetings in regard to pandemic/crisis/storm situations.

Pray, prepare, and go into the fields that are white unto harvest.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Come, Come, and hear the testimony of Bob and Millie White, of Forsyth, Mo.

Bob and Millie, were saved later in life, and they have a tremendous testimony of God's grace, forgiveness and love. They have a heart for children, families.

You all come, They will be sharing in Sunday School, as well as in the Worship Hour.


9:30 AM

AND 10:30 AM

He did it just for you, Max Lucado

When God entered time and became a man, he who was boundless became bound. Imprisoned in flesh. Restricted by weary-prone muscles and eyelids. For more than three decades, his once limitless reach would be limited to the stretch of an arm, his speed checked to the pace of human feet.
I wonder, was he ever tempted to reclaim his boundlessness? In the middle of a long trip, did he ever consider transporting himself to the next city? When the rain chilled his bones, was he tempted to change the weather? When the heat parched his lips, did he give thought to popping over to the Caribbean for some refreshment?
If ever he entertained such thoughts, he never gave in to them. Not once. Stop and think about this. Not once did Christ use his supernatural powers for personal comfort. With one word he could’ve transformed the hard earth into a soft bed, but he didn’t. With a wave of his hand, he could’ve boomeranged the spit of his accusers back into their faces, but he didn’t. With an arch of his brow, he could’ve paralyzed the hand of the soldier as he braided the crown of thorns. But he didn’t.
Want to know the coolest thing about the coming?
Not that he, in an instant, went from needing nothing to needing air, food, a tub of hot water and salts for his tired feet, and, more than anything, needing somebody—anybody—who was more concerned about where he would spend eternity than where he would spend Friday’s paycheck.
Not that he kept his cool while the dozen best friends he ever had felt the heat and got out of the kitchen. Or that he gave no command to the angels who begged, “Just give the nod, Lord. One word and these demons will be deviled eggs.”
Not that he refused to defend himself when blamed for every sin since Adam. Or that he stood silent as a million guilty verdicts echoed in the tribunal of heaven and the giver of light was left in the chill of a sinner’s night.
Not even that after three days in a dark hole he stepped into the Easter sunrise with a smile and a swagger and a question for lowly Lucifer—“Is that your best punch?”
That was cool, incredibly cool.
But want to know the coolest thing about the One who gave up the crown of heaven for a crown of thorns?
He did it for you. Just for you.

Prayer concerns of Morning Star Baptist

Mason Makoski, surgery Tuesday

Christine Russell, surgery Wednesday

2 Unspoken needs----seriously

those traveling this week

Pray unceasingly

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday, April 3 prayer list

Christine Russell, cardiac testing Monday and possible surgery.
Mike Rice, brain tumor cancer
Dana Barfield, cancer
Those struggling with dimentia or alzeheimer in our midst.
the Easter service for the community at Crane Presbyterian.
Walter Rand, Methodist Manor, Marionville.

Shower Day

Today is my mother's shower day with Barb's assistance, or maybe doing. But another shower day, is when we come under the Word of the Lord and Repent. Repent is turning away from those things God reflects back to us in the mirror (His Word). One thing to see the dirty face in the mirror, another thing to wash it off. I can look in the mirror and see I need to shave, but if I don't shave, it is like God speaking to me, us and walking away.

Let us be washed by the Lord today.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Counting down

Count down, to truly the pivot point of truth. Jesus arose.
We can, and will celebrate His triumphant entry, Palm Sunday, with palm branches, kazoos, tamporines, drums, voices, but the reality is Friday is coming. Jesus will die, will be crucified, Jesus will give up the Spirit, the Ghost, but Praise the Lord for RESURRECTION EASTER SUNDAY.
Friend, do you know Jesus, or just about Jesus. Trust Jesus today, talk to Jesus today, love Jesus today. God's Word, (the Bible) says, "when we love Jesus, love God, we obey Jesus, God" and to not obey is to sin. Even though God knows, He wants to hear us, me, say---Lord I have sinned against You in this way, right now, today in _____________, and thank You Lord, for forgiveness, for grace, for abiding love, for new mercy every day.

Wow, "I'm forgiven" and you who read this, can be also. have a question, contact me

Monday, March 16, 2009

Prayer List for Monday, March 16

Christine Russell, possible hip replacement
Mike Rice, an aggressive brain tumor
Mary Lee Wilson, began Chemo, last Thursday
Ray Cavener, begins Radiation today
Victor Boll, hopefully just cardiac stints today, possible open heart surgery.
Bruce Belin, pastor of Mike Rice
Gregg Boll, brother of Missionary brother, Victor Boll

Saturday, March 14, 2009

This is the day

To tell someone about Jesus' birth, His life, His death, His resurrection, that He is the TRUTH, THE WAY, AND HE IS LIFE. He is my life, is He your life, Is He LORD of your life, if He is then He is Boss.

Worship the Lord everyday, gather with other believers, and worship together tomorrow on the First Day of the Week, with His Tithe, your presence.


Pray for Mary Lee Wilson, Mike Rice, Victor Boll, and Morning Star Baptist. Pray for Revival to break out in this area.

Friday, March 13, 2009


21 years ago, a Dr. with a heart for God, surrendered a burden to God. The burden, became a vision, to help those with out insurance, low on dollars, though working in Memphis, Tenn. Fast forward now, over 20 communities across America now have doctors, nurses, specialist, who volunteer their time to assist this area that Washington talks about.
Beginning this summer in Branson, Mo., another FAITH BASED HEALTH CARE FACILITY, will open. Pray for these Doctors, Dentist, Vision Care, nurses, and those who can give medical equipment, doctors who can give free sample perscription medicines, and those who can pray.

Facility will be housed in the old Branson School.

God's blessings

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Pray, with me for workers for the ripe harvest, within our mission field. God has been wonderful to us, we have a roof over our head, and I think we all have shoes on our feet, and we can scream and yell at the ballgames, the races, the Branson shows. So with that ability God has blessed us with, let us scream, yell praises to Jesus, share our story of Jesus to those around us.
Just last night, after seeing our granddaughter sing and perform a musical, "Joseph" at South Haven, Springfield. We talked to our waitress at Steak and Shake about Jesus, life, & worship.
Tell just one about Jesus today, and another tomorrow----now 2 or 3 or 4 is OK, but make sure we tell ONE 1.
Is God calling you to work in the Missions of VBS this summer---then contact my self, or our Director Andrea Makoski.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3, 2009

The sun is trying to peek through the blanket of clouds, that have covered us, the snow is fast leaving, the birds are singing, "it is spring, it is spring, hallelujah, it is spring" Isn't it amazing how the birds praise the Lord, the Creator. It sounds differently. As the deer panteth for water, we should thirst for the Creator of the birds, the clouds, the earth, and us eternal souls.
Praise the Lord, today, March 3 already.
Our number 2 granddaughter, will be having a birthday, Friday, and she will be 17. Happy Birthday Chelsea.
Anyone, wanting to donate to the American Cancer Society, Chelsea is in a Relay for Life, at Kickapoo High, Springfield. Contact me--and I'll get you connected as they raise $$$$$$ against Cancer.

Friday, February 27, 2009









Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Benefit

for Pregnancy Life Line, is now literally upon us. Plan now on being there, here, to worship the Lord, and to give abundantly. (From a dime to 10 million dollars) Praises be to the Lord. Do your best, get the word out, and then just rest in the arms of Jesus.

Praying for those who are coming. Gloria Elliot, Keith "Red or Rednecker" Allen, both of these are from Branson.
A wonderful family of Blue Grass Gospel: Southern Raised
A Country Gospel family: "The John Carr Family"
A new pastor's local band: "The Stone County Solid Rocker's"
Soloist: Faye Wilks, Sharon Bennett, and Tony DeLong

Those of you who can't come pray, and if you desire to send a check: Send it to Pregnancy Life Line, P O Box 430, Crane, Mo. 65633, c/o Pastor Gary W. Stewart

Friday, February 13, 2009


With abortion, seeming to be more favored in Washington DC, and with the economy in the down turn it is, with Pregnancy Life Line in a bind. Let's pray, seeking the very face of God with our hearts and open pocketbooks. Utility bills, rent, upkeep continues to rise. The clients are there, maybe not what we'd wish, but pregnant and they have turned to Pregnancy Life Line. Once a ultra sound is given, and they see a skirmy baby, 99.9% abortion is out of the picture. Praise to the Lord.
Gearing up for a benefit singing, with Keith "Red or Rednecker" Allen; Gloria Elliot, Faye Wilks, Southern Raised, Tony Delong, John Carr family, Sharon Bennett and may be some more.

The main thing, is to hopefully raise several thousand dollars for the cause. Come, bring family and friends and GIVE GIVE GIVE

WHERE/ Morning Star Baptist
Butterfield Trail Road at Missouri State 413
just north of Crane, Mo about 3 miles.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Abraham Lincoln's birthday today

When I was a kid, now that was a long time ago, right? That was before the era of President's day. Then we got out of school for Lincoln's birthday on the 12th and Washington's birthday on the 22nd. This year, I noticed in Springfield, Mo. the county offices are closed today for Lincoln's birthday, but not Federal. President Lincoln is a hero, as he stood tall, at 6' 3" and wore a tall top hat, which made him even taller. But he stood tall, for he stood on principle's. He had a impact on American History. George Washington, also stood tall, who had a impact on major wording of the foundation of this great country. George Washington's grandmother, was also my g g g g g ggrandmother. (I need to look to see if I have enough great's in there. But his grandmother Ball, was also my multiple great grandmother, on my mother's side of the family

There is some other very important dates upcoming, in our family: First, Saturday, Valentine's Day---Jesus gave His Life, that we might have everlasting life. Have you accepted the Jesus in your heart.

Second: Saturday, Valentine's Day is also Patrick or Pat's 41st birthday, and 4 days later is Randy's 43. Wow two out of 3 of our sons are now in their 40s.

Pregnancy Life Line, a ministry I hold dear. ( A protector of babies, and mothers) is in need of some assistance. There will be a benefit sing at Morning Star Baptist on Friday, February 27 @ 6:30 PM

Branson singers: Gloria Elliot, Keith "Red or Rednecker" Allen;
along with a "Blue Grass Gospel--Southern Raised" "The John Carr Band Family'
Soloist: Faye Wilks, Tony Delong, and Sharon Bennett will be assisting in the raising of much needed $$$$$$$$$$ for PREGNANCY LIFE LINE.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time to prepare for

The return of the Lord, or when we draw our last breathe, and we hear the Words of our Lord, say "enter in thou good and faithful servant" Think about those words.
Good----------Faithful-----------------Servant but to 'enter in'. What a day to be prepared for, which means living today, loving the Lord, sharing the Lord in faithfulness of caring with compassion for all those around us. Praying for those out of power south and south east of us. For the destruction of down trees.

Meeting with 'Southern Raised' today, as the prepare to go to Bluegrass competition. They will be singing at Morning Star on February 8. You all come and worship the Lord with them, eat with all of us, and then they will be sharing again at 1.

This Sunday evening,(February 1) we will be dismissing evening worship, for families can spend time together around the 'Super Bowl Game' Go Kirk Warner and the Arizona Cardinals--even though they are the underdog, nothing, that's right NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD.