Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Scripture for today!

Proverbs 27:12
"The sensible see danger, and take cover; the foolish keep going and are punished"

Sensible, to be wise, to think Godly, to trust on Him, and not on my own understanding or logic. Take cover in the refuge of the Lord. To wisely advise family and friends that this is not all there is, praise the Lord. Do I see danger, do I see the handwriting on the wall---yes I do. But I also serve a Lord that knows all, and He said, He would take care of me. Does that just mean I set in my recliner and He drops from heaven into my lap. No. But according to the strength He has blessed me and the wisdom that is within from Him--move on in Him

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Grieving is such a complex adventure. Memories, schedules, birthdays, holidays, pictures, family and people. Sometimes a thought a memory comes out of the clear blue, and then sometimes it is when you run into a mutual acquaintance. We have been close to several deaths of late. (3 were young adults, 35, 29 and 24--all married and 2 had children). Then we as a church are involved into 2 family services this week, plus some others in the community.

But grief is not always a death of a individual, could be a death of a relationship, a pet, a home.

Sometimes the memories come unexpectantly. And it catches us off guard.

But you all know, but let me remind me, that God is always, hear me Always there to comfort.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A day of rest

And on the 7th day He (God) rested. I believe rest is a vital component of our schedule, but many times we do not rest sufficiently.

Pray that I'm found resting and truly preparing to lead out in Worship--Sunday.

Friday, July 24, 2009

VBS Family Evening

was last evening. The VBS totals were down a little, but we did have a wonderful experience of cho choing the Boomberang Express from Worship to Bible Study, to MISSIONS, to Crafts, to Music, to back to worship. I should of said we started off with a kids meal every night. (ranging from mac cheese and chicken nuggets, to corn dogs and tater tots, to Pizza, to Ham and cheese subs) We received over 175 dollars for mission kits to be sent to our military.

Thanks to so many, but it was wonderful. We did have 3 who were asking lots of questions, but so far no public commitment.

I don't have no intent to name everyone: but to the Director--Andrea; to my beautiful, wonderful, loyal, friend, and wife--Barbara. She coordinated the Kitchen and all the crafts with a lot of helpers. Thanks Barb.
To Betty--for a superb job of teaching missions, with her helper, and last but NOT least Daryl on the Music.
To our Media Personell, to the parents/grandparents and friends who brought their special gifts of God--their children and entrusted them to us for 3 hours every evening. Praise the Lord for the safety of this week.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vacation Bible School 2009

It is good, but God is good, all the time, and all the time - God is good.

God has provided so much to Morning Star. Gifts of children, Gifts of children parents, Gifts of resources, Gift of love, peace, mercy, and His Grace.

We have increased in attendance every night even on Wednesday night or last night. With over 50 children in attendance.

2 young people last night wanted to know more about Jesus last night, pray for them.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vacation Bible School at Morning Star

It is so neat, to see boys and girls excited about Jesus, learning more about Him, and explaining to their class friends what they know about Jesus. Oh, what we can learn about Jesus.
I was reading the blog today of Pastor John Marshall, and his little 4 year old grandchild was sharing with his 2 year old cousin, that Jesus died on Friday for you/us and he rose up on Sunday for you/us, and then he started singing, "our God is an awesome God". WOW

Last night in VBS--we learned of Jesus showing love by caring for the needs of others--washing the feet of his disciples. And this one, spoke up about having cow poop washed off of his feet as he wore some flip flops into the barn lot.

Today, love someone by caring for a special need in their life.

Pray for Jeanne Allen-Holden in the death of her husband Ken, yesterday; for the Sharp family as they bury their 35 year old daughter today, for the Russell/Parker family as they bury their 29 year old daughter tomorrow. Cancer---what a disease.